Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay about Organ Transplantation - 978 Words

Organ transplantation is, without a hesitation, one of the most major achievements in modern medicine. In many cases, it is the only effective therapy for end-stage organ failure and is broadly practiced around the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 21,000 liver transplants, 66,000 kidney transplants, and 6000 heart transplantation were performed globally in 2005.1 In addition, data showed that living kidney, liver, and lung donations declined, going from 7,004 in 2004 to 6,219 in 2008 making it a challenge for patients who are in need of organ transplant1. According to the WHO; an estimated 46,000 people in Egypt are in need of transplants, most of them liver and kidney transplants. Egypt’s population of†¦show more content†¦Many physicians, Islamic scholars, and politicians have sustained that Islam has nothing to do with resistance to organ transplantation in Egypt. They even cite as their evidence the fact that other Islamic countries have passed a law allowing national organ transplantation from brain-dead and living donors. However, the resistance in Egypt must then be due to reasons other than Islam, namely the uncontrolled black market in body parts and reports of organ theft that has tainted the public perception of organ transplantation. In addition, the reliance on living donors has created shortage of organs due to small number of donors. Donors are often tackled with a major operation, and they pose a substantial health risk without any potential benefit. A wide range of complications in donors after living-donor transplant has been reported in the medical literature. The incidence of complications ranges from 0% to 67%, with an overall crude complication prevalence of 31%.3 Although, the demand for living-donor transplant is higher in Egypt than in the United States and Europe, the ethical principles leading the act of living donation should be the same everywhere.4 Placing a healthy individual at risk of death for a procedure that does not directly benefit the donor needs to be balanced by the autonomy of the donor. On the other hand, a large proportion of those whoShow MoreRelatedThe Organ Of Organ Transplantation1426 Words   |  6 Pagesmost significant issues concerning organ transplantation revolves around the just and fair distribution of organs. Due to the assorted and occasionally conflicting opinions of what constitutes as ‘fair’, in concurrence with a relative shortage of donated organs, many social, legal and ethical contentions have arisen. 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